28 September 1867


Six witnesses were called for the inquest (testimony is lost).

Territory of Arizona, County of Pima. The People of the Territory of Arizona and Greeting, to any Sheriff, Constable, Marshall or Policeman in said Territory:

An Inquisition having this day been found, by a Coroners Jury, before me stating that a man named “Patrick Cave” has come to his death by criminal means, by the act of a man named [blank] Walsh, you are therefore commanded, forthwith to arrest the above named [blank] Walsh, and take him before the nearest or most acceptable Magistrate in this County.

Given under my hand, in the town of Tucson, County and Territory above named, this 28th day of September 1867. Charles H. Meyer, Acting County Coroner.

Warrant for the arrest of [blank] Walsh.

Source: University of Arizona Special Collections, AZ 83, Vol. 37, folder 11.


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